The A-Player Principle: Why Settling is Not an Option in Hiring

The A-Player Principle: Why Settling is Not an Option in Hiring

Steve Jobs agreed with the famous principle, “A-level people hire level A people, B-level people hire C-level people.” So Apple searches for A-players for crucial roles within their organization, and with good reason.

Why CISOs Shouldn't Report to CIOs

Why CISOs Shouldn't Report to CIOs

In the past, CISOs were responsible for protecting the organization’s computer systems, networks, and data. However, with the increase of cyber threats and the ever-changing landscape of technology, the role of a CISO has had to evolve. Now, CISOs are responsible for protecting the entire organization, not just the computer systems. They are also responsible for helping the organization to be more secure and resilient, and for protecting it from cyber threats.

Building the Right Team: From Selection to Leadership Alignment

Building the Right Team: From Selection to Leadership Alignment

A vision without execution is a hallucination. If you’re the one responsible, the head of the ship, the bus driver, then it’s your job to execute!

Cultivating a Genuine Corporate Culture

Cultivating a Genuine Corporate Culture

The culture of an organization reflects the shared beliefs, core values, and practices of its members. It characterizes interactions between employees and management. As a leader, nurturing and maintaining your organization's culture should be a paramount priority.